Big opportunity for sea viewing: The Calypso glass-bottomed boat with room for 30 passengers
13th November 2018
By John Lablache Seychelles’ tiny capital, Victoria, is sheltered from the Indian Ocean by a string of islands which also constitute the Ste Anne Marine Park, one of the archipelago’s... more...
On the case: Minister Didier Dogley touring hotels in South Mahe
8th June 2018
Didier Dogley, the new Minister for Tourism, believes in doing his own research. He visited eight small hotels in South Mahé to see how they operate.He said: “I believe it is important fo... more...
Vision: New Tourism Minister Didier Dogley
9th May 2018
The new Tourism Minister for Seychelles, Didier Dogley, wasted no time in spelling out how he would improve the industry.He said he wanted to make Seychelles “a model for sustainable tourism to ... more...
On tour: Staff from the Seychelles Discovered roadshow
16th April 2018
Staff numbers at Air Seychelles are to be cut by a quarter as the airline tries to make savings.Tourism Minister Maurice Loustau-Lalanne came under fire from the workers' union and the National Assemb... more...
Promoting Seychelles: The new advertising campaign in Dubai
16th March 2018
Seychelles has been named the ‘Best Indian Ocean Luxury Travel Destination’ for 2018.The award was presented by the UK's high-end lifestyle magazine LUX.Sherin Francis, Chief Executive of ... more...
It's a deal: Tourist chief Sherin Francis, left, signs the agreement with BA's Chris Rankin watched by Derick Ally, High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, and Minister for Tourism Maurice Loustau-Lalanne
27th November 2017
The tourist industry is set to be boosted with a special link-up between the Seychelles Tourism Board and British Airways.The two signed up to a two-year agreement to jointly market and promote Seyche... more...
New opportunities: The Air France “Joon” flights are due to start in May (Photo: Courtesy of SNA)
14th October 2017
Tourism in Seychelles will be given a welcome boost with two airlines – British Airways and Air France – opening up new flight schedules.British Airways will resume direct flights to Seych... more...
Promoting Seychelles: Tourism CEO Sherin Naiken, centre with Tourism Minister Alain St. Ange, at the World Travel Market
29th November 2016
Seychelles tourism officers turned out in force for one of the biggest showcases in the globe, the World Travel Market (WTM) in London.They were aiming to build on Seychelles' increasingly successful ... more...

Cruise ships boost tourism in the Vanilla Islands

Musical welcome: A Maore cultural group
Musical welcome: A Maore cultural group

Former Seychelles tourism minister Alain St.Ange has been promoting the merits of the Vanilla Islands.

Now an independent tourism consultant, he was speaking in Mayotte, which he visited during a lecture tour on the luxury cruise ship The World.

A Maore cultural group in traditional light blue dresses sang and played their drums on his arrival at Mamoudzou.

Mr St.Ange was the founding president of the Vanilla Islands – the Indian Ocean organisation made up of Seychelles, Reunion, Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros and Mayotte.

He said that the organisation remains as relevant today as it was when it was launched years ago and commended its success in cruise tourism. However, he added, that more needed to be done to ensure that all the islanders benefited directly from their tourism industry.

Lecture tour: Alain St.Ange visits Mayotte
Lecture tour: Alain St.Ange visits Mayotte

His working trip also takes him to Mozambique, Mozambique Island, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Comoros and Kenya before returning to Seychelles.

Tourism Latest News

Seeing the wonders of the sea through a glass-bottom boat
13th November 2018
Big opportunity for sea viewing: The Calypso glass-bottomed boat with room for 30 passengers
By John Lablache Seychelles’ tiny capital, Victoria, is sheltered from the Indian Ocean… more...
Tourism Minister checks out the challenges facing small hotels in Seychelles
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On the case: Minister Didier Dogley touring hotels in South Mahe
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Our Creole culture will enrich the tourism experience, says new Minister
9th May 2018
Vision: New Tourism Minister Didier Dogley
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Air Seychelles under fire as it cuts staff by quarter
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On tour: Staff from the Seychelles Discovered roadshow
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Seychelles award for best travel destination is of 'huge significance'
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Promoting Seychelles: The new advertising campaign in Dubai
Seychelles has been named the ‘Best Indian Ocean Luxury Travel Destination’ for 2018.The… more...
Seychelles links up with British Airways to boost tourism
27th November 2017
It's a deal: Tourist chief Sherin Francis, left, signs the agreement with BA's Chris Rankin watched by Derick Ally, High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, and Minister for Tourism Maurice Loustau-Lalanne
The tourist industry is set to be boosted with a special link-up between the Seychelles Tourism… more...
Extra flights will boost tourism in Seychelles... and BA is back
14th October 2017
New opportunities: The Air France “Joon” flights are due to start in May (Photo: Courtesy of SNA)
Tourism in Seychelles will be given a welcome boost with two airlines – British Airways and… more...
Tourism officers in global showcase for Seychelles growing industry
29th November 2016
Promoting Seychelles: Tourism CEO Sherin Naiken, centre with Tourism Minister Alain St. Ange, at the World Travel Market
Seychelles tourism officers turned out in force for one of the biggest showcases in the globe, the… more...
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