Westminster Abbey National Day of Seychelles Evensong
3rd July 2024
A Special Mass (Evensong) was held at Westminster Abbey to commemorate the National Day of Seychelles.I was privileged to be among the guests from the Seychellois Diaspora who were invited.It was an e... more...
25th June 2024
By Lewis BetsyWe celebrate 48 years of Independence for Seychelles this year. And what a journey it has been.I remember the great pride we felt as the British Union Flag was lowered on 29th June 1976 ... more...
Global broadcast: Regis Francourt
27th March 2024
By Lewis BetsyIt was good to have a meeting of the TRNUC Victims’ Association broadcast globally online and hear what was said. Indeed, I hope President Ramkalawan took note.Association official... more...
Musical welcome: A Maore cultural group
25th March 2024
Former Seychelles tourism minister Alain St.Ange has been promoting the merits of the Vanilla Islands.Now an independent tourism consultant, he was speaking in Mayotte, which he visited during a lectu... more...
Much missed: Elvis Dias in younger days
14th March 2024
By Lewis BetsyThis is such a sad time as I have lost another dear friend, Elvis Dias.He died four days after his 66th birthday and with family and friends, I attended his funeral at Our Lady of the Vi... more...
By Lewis Betsy  The scandal of what is happening with the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission is an outrageous insult to the people of Seychelles. In his State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Ramkalawan referred to the TRNUC, but he never offered anything serious or concrete concerning what would happen to the victims. I had previously warned that the Commission looked doomed to fail.  Yet it must not fail. The Government must not let the victims down. The truth is that the TRNUC has become a joke for the LDS Government. They are playing politics with it and applying a delaying tactics strategy with the victims.  The time has come to say enough is enough. My case number is No 2 and I am sure by now the Government must have had an idea where mine and all the many other cases were heading. It is not that difficult. We simply want justice and compensation for all the hurt we have suffered since 1977.  Naturally, we need answers to achieve closure.  In the meantime, we are forced to wait and trauma continues to impact families. Those that decided to stay in Seychelles have also suffered, but it was their choice not to bring their cases to the TRNUC.  It appears there is a blame culture going on: We are not children of Seychelles now because we brought our cases to the TRNUC. However, the suffering goes on for all.. For some victims it is too late. They have died with no answers forthcoming. So I ask: Where are the lists and names of the perpetrators? Why is the President keeping the lists from us? Is he protecting someone? Of the few perpetrators who came to the TRNUC, only five or six of them publicly said sorry for what they had done. And that was it. I note that many other known perpetrators are out and about in town, mixing freely with the public. It has become a sick joke and we, the victims, are suffering. The fact is I believe the TRNUC has become such a shambles that no one wants to deal with it. The LDS have the power they want and are cynically running the country without a care in the world. They have no sense of responsibility or duty. The LDS government is trying to wash its hands when it comes to paying the victims – though I see that they managed to find the money to pay all the Commissioners.  Yet who set up this scenario in the first place? It was Ramkalawan and former President Danny Faure. Timing is all, of course, and there are elections next year. We’ve got to watch it, or LDS might use the victims again to get another term in office. The more you think about the issue the more it makes you sick. How on Earth are we ever going to achieve unity in Seychelles when this situation persists?
11th March 2024
By Lewis BetsyThe scandal of what is happening with the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission is an outrageous insult to the people of Seychelles.In his State of the Nation Address (SONA... more...
Hope: Lewis Betsy meets President Danny Faure at State House on 16th March 2017 to discuss unity.
11th March 2024
By Lewis BetsyI write this with a great sense of loss and despair. For decades now I have campaigned for my beloved Seychelles to achieve unity.It is now March 2024 and there is nothing like it in sig... more...
1st March 2024
By Lewis BetsyWe heard optimistic words about the future of Seychelles from President Wavel Ramkalawan in his State of the Nation Address for 2024, but will these hopes be fulfilled?He talked about th... more...

We need the participation of all in the building of the New Seychelles

13th June 2014

President Michel:
President Michel:
Seychelles Life asked President James Michel his views on National Reconciliation now that there is momentum to the statement by former President Albert Rene that it is time for the process to begin. It is well documented that former president Sir James Mancham, who was deposed by Mr Rene in a coup d'etat on 5th June 1977, has been campaigning for National Reconciliation since 1992. Seychelles Life has asked key figures and all the political parties the same questions to gauge the national reaction to these moves. As both President of Seychelles and leader of the PL/Parti Lepep, Mr Michel has a vital role in a sensitive process that will shape the future of political and community life in Seychelles. Here is the President's response.

Seychelles Life: Now that there is talk of reconciliation and unity from both sides of the political divide what does your party think should be the next move forward?

President Michel: Seychelles’ history, like those of other nations, has, from the time of the arrival of the first settlers, been forged in the quest of our people to build a society of liberty, equality and fraternity to be enjoyed by all. There have been bitter times, struggles, victories, sweet times.

In our 244-year history we’ve known slavery, neglect by the colonial powers, extreme poverty, lack of opportunities of development. A big majority of our people suffered from the powerful influence of the plantation owners. We’ve known resentment of our conditions. Political emancipation came late. Happily, we succeeded in empowering our workers, our people in time for independence. We fought for our freedom. On our own we have diversified our economy. We’ve built a comprehensive welfare system.

Today, we continue to seek the best for our beloved nation, for a sustainable future. But we can only progress and continue to enjoy prosperity when we put the interests of our people first. To the majority of our people national unity is an ongoing process. We have managed to repair many of the injustices that delayed our progress throughout our history. We owe our successes to our ability to make monumental changes when needed, to pull together, to pool our resources, to improve the lives of our people, to remain committed to national development. Our national unity enables us to overcome our differences, to reconcile, to enjoy plurality of opinion in diversity.

Parti Lepep and I have been given a new task, and that is to turn Seychelles into a high income country. We realise that unity is always crucial for our nation to advance. That is why my party and I are determined to remove certain rancour that may still linger in our community. We attach a lot of importance to national unity and harmony among our people. We all need to consolidate our national unity as we all avail of the many opportunities of the New Seychelles.

Seychelles Life: Should the government organise the reconciliation process or should it be conducted by an independent person or organisation, possibly from overseas? If so, who would you consider ideal?

President Michel: The New Seychelles we are creating is an inclusive society. It contributes to the process of national unity and creates greater understanding among people. We may not notice it, but the process is ongoing every day in our lives. Our views on the different stages of our history may differ, based on our own interpretations and personal experiences. We live in an open and mature society, where we are able to express ourselves, to exchange opinions freely.

What is important is that we continue to involve more of our people in the running of national affairs. There have been many instances whereby we have included individuals or organisations from overseas in our process of nation-building. We will continue to create the conditions that will give all our people the sense of belonging to our country, which is our common home. I think we are achieving that and we will do more to promote national unity.

Seychelles Life: What role would you like your party to play in this process?

President Michel: My party’s role in building a Seychelles of fraternity and unity is historical. Parti Lepep, because of its experience and popularity, has taken on a greater responsibility in fostering national unity. It has the support of the nation. It was Parti Lepep that in March this year took the decision to move Seychelles beyond the 5th June era. After another major decision to promote greater national unity, we have relocated the Liberation Day – Zonm Lib – monument.

Parti Lepep is a unifying party. In the recent past, land acquisition files were reopened, guided by the requirements of the constitution. But we need two to tango. All of us have to revisit our 244-year history and draw lessons from it. Let us all realise that national unity, social cohesion and harmony among our people will bring greater progress for all. It was also in March that I put the following question to our party delegates at a symposium: “What can we do as a party to bring more unity in our country, even more solidarity and fraternity among us?” We want a Seychelles that is at peace with itself, and prosperous.

Seychelles Life: Observers note that the timing of the move for reconciliation comes ahead of the elections next year. Will this affect or hinder the process?

President Michel: There are links connecting the various events that have impacted the lives of the earliest generations, the generations of yesterday, and the generations of today. We’ve had many elections following the announcement of the return of multi-party politics in 1992. Some of the elections were held in very difficult situations, the process of transition traumatising to our people. The people emerged victorious, more mature, resilient, more aware of the need for a Seychelles focused on the future. Elections, the voice of the people, help the process.

Seychelles Life: The removal of the Zonm Lib Monument has proved controversial. What is the next step?

President Michel: Many of the reactions expressed confirmed that Zonm Lib was indeed an important symbol. What is clear is that it is missed by many across the political lines. I was amazed at how popular Zonm Lib was. It meant, it means, a lot to a lot of people. That is why establishing national unity cannot be only about a short period of our history. The monument has been relocated to Maison du Peuple. In its place along 5th June Avenue will stand a new monument which will be a powerful symbol of the unity of our nation.

I mean it when I say we need the participation of all in the building of the New Seychelles. We are one. We want the participation of all. We want to work together, to prosper together in the free and thriving Seychelles. This is the best time to start a new era of unity.

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Westminster Abbey National Day of Seychelles Evensong
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Much missed: Elvis Dias in younger days
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11th March 2024
By Lewis Betsy  The scandal of what is happening with the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission is an outrageous insult to the people of Seychelles. In his State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Ramkalawan referred to the TRNUC, but he never offered anything serious or concrete concerning what would happen to the victims. I had previously warned that the Commission looked doomed to fail.  Yet it must not fail. The Government must not let the victims down. The truth is that the TRNUC has become a joke for the LDS Government. They are playing politics with it and applying a delaying tactics strategy with the victims.  The time has come to say enough is enough. My case number is No 2 and I am sure by now the Government must have had an idea where mine and all the many other cases were heading. It is not that difficult. We simply want justice and compensation for all the hurt we have suffered since 1977.  Naturally, we need answers to achieve closure.  In the meantime, we are forced to wait and trauma continues to impact families. Those that decided to stay in Seychelles have also suffered, but it was their choice not to bring their cases to the TRNUC.  It appears there is a blame culture going on: We are not children of Seychelles now because we brought our cases to the TRNUC. However, the suffering goes on for all.. For some victims it is too late. They have died with no answers forthcoming. So I ask: Where are the lists and names of the perpetrators? Why is the President keeping the lists from us? Is he protecting someone? Of the few perpetrators who came to the TRNUC, only five or six of them publicly said sorry for what they had done. And that was it. I note that many other known perpetrators are out and about in town, mixing freely with the public. It has become a sick joke and we, the victims, are suffering. The fact is I believe the TRNUC has become such a shambles that no one wants to deal with it. The LDS have the power they want and are cynically running the country without a care in the world. They have no sense of responsibility or duty. The LDS government is trying to wash its hands when it comes to paying the victims – though I see that they managed to find the money to pay all the Commissioners.  Yet who set up this scenario in the first place? It was Ramkalawan and former President Danny Faure. Timing is all, of course, and there are elections next year. We’ve got to watch it, or LDS might use the victims again to get another term in office. The more you think about the issue the more it makes you sick. How on Earth are we ever going to achieve unity in Seychelles when this situation persists?
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Hope: Lewis Betsy meets President Danny Faure at State House on 16th March 2017 to discuss unity.
By Lewis BetsyI write this with a great sense of loss and despair. For decades now I have campaigned… more...
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