Time for unity: Lewis Betsy
23rd December 2024
By Lewis BetsyGreetings of the season to you all.So many things are said at this time of year that are meant to be joyful, but are just empty words. I too have a message this Christmas and I will get ... more...
Seychelles National Football team in 1970: Lewis Betsy is on the back row, fourth from right
2nd December 2024
By Lewis BetsySeychelles football is in a terrible state and it is time for a change.The election for a new committee of the Seychelles Football Federation is on the 7th December and I urge the repres... more...
Inspirational: Gerard Hoarau
22nd November 2024
By Lewis BetsyThe anniversary of the murder of my friend the freedom fighter Gerard Hoarau will fall on 29th November. It is said that time can heal a hurt, but after 39 years I still feel a terr... more...
Lewis Betsy at graveside
9th September 2024
By Lewis BetsyI hold very dear the memory of my close friend Gerard Hoarau, who was assassinated outside his London home in 1985.Gerard was a proud fighter for a democratic Seychelles and paid the ult... more...
Westminster Abbey National Day of Seychelles Evensong
3rd July 2024
A Special Mass (Evensong) was held at Westminster Abbey to commemorate the National Day of Seychelles.I was privileged to be among the guests from the Seychellois Diaspora who were invited.It was an e... more...
25th June 2024
By Lewis BetsyWe celebrate 48 years of Independence for Seychelles this year. And what a journey it has been.I remember the great pride we felt as the British Union Flag was lowered on 29th June 1976 ... more...
Global broadcast: Regis Francourt
27th March 2024
By Lewis BetsyIt was good to have a meeting of the TRNUC Victims’ Association broadcast globally online and hear what was said. Indeed, I hope President Ramkalawan took note.Association official... more...
Musical welcome: A Maore cultural group
25th March 2024
Former Seychelles tourism minister Alain St.Ange has been promoting the merits of the Vanilla Islands.Now an independent tourism consultant, he was speaking in Mayotte, which he visited during a lectu... more...

A sad farewell to our dear friend Helen Azolan

31st January 2024

Devoted mother: Helen Azolan
Devoted mother: Helen Azolan

By Lewis Betsy

It was with great sadness that my wife and I said a final farewell to our dear friend Helen Azolan.

Helen, a much-loved mother of four, died aged 64, and Seychellois families and friends turned up from all parts of the UK for her funeral at St Michael and St Martin Church, Hounslow.

Helen and her husband Michael were our very close friends from many years back. Her family, like ours, was one that had sought sanctuary from Seychelles in the UK.

Helen, born Helen Anacoura, was a devoted mother to four children, two girls and two boys. I was privileged to read her husband’s eulogy at the funeral.

They had been married for 42 years and Michael had written: “Helen and I have had a wonderful marriage. She is the love of my life. She believed in me and everything I did even when I didn't believe in myself.

“Life was not always easy, but we have worked hard and struggled hard together

to build a happy life for children. 

“Helen was a wonderful mother and did everything with the children's future in mind. “Sometimes people ask how we have managed to keep a strong marriage in this day and age. There is no secret, we simply loved each other and had one mission and that was to provide a happy home and give a good example to the children.”

My wife, Juliana, read a dedication from Helen’s children, Debra, Carol, Nicholas and Johnathan in which they proudly said they were “blessed” to have her as their mother.

They said: “Our Mum was destined to be a mother. She had a natural gift to nurture and take care of people. She had an open house and was always happy to welcome anyone.

“Mum was always laughing and tackled everything with a smile. In fact, her laugh was infectious – we often joined in the laughter even when we didn’t know why she was laughing!

“She was our biggest supporter and did her very best to ensure we had everything we needed in life, even if it meant she had to sacrifice something in return. She loved us and made sure we knew it.” 

Juliana and myself found her a humble, caring and loving friend to all who knew her. 

Let us remember her laughter, love and the joy she brought into everyone’s lives.

May her memory continue to inspire and uplift us as we navigate this world without her.

We offer our sincere condolences to the Azolan family.

We really feel for them and pray with them for their loss.

Sadness: Lewis Betsy reads the eulogy by Helen’s husband Michael
Sadness: Lewis Betsy reads the eulogy by Helen’s husband Michael

Tribute: Juliana Betsy reads the dedication from Helen’s children
Tribute: Juliana Betsy reads the dedication from Helen’s children

Leading the service: The priest at St Michael and St Martin Church
Leading the service: The priest at St Michael and St Martin Church

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