The TRNUC is a complete shambles… it is an outrage that Ramkalawan must fix

By Lewis Betsy
The scandal of what is happening with the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission is an outrageous insult to the people of Seychelles.
In his State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Ramkalawan referred to the TRNUC, but he never offered anything serious or concrete concerning what would happen to the victims.
I had previously warned that the Commission looked doomed to fail.
Yet it must not fail. The Government must not let the victims down.
The truth is that the TRNUC has become a joke for the LDS Government. They are playing politics with it and applying a delaying tactics strategy with the victims.
The time has come to say enough is enough.
My case number is No 2 and I am sure by now the Government must have had an idea where mine and all the many other cases were heading.
It is not that difficult.
We simply want justice and compensation for all the hurt we have suffered since 1977.
Naturally, we need answers to achieve closure.
In the meantime, we are forced to wait and trauma continues to impact families. Those that decided to stay in Seychelles have also suffered, but it was their choice not to bring their cases to the TRNUC.
It appears there is a blame culture going on: We are not children of Seychelles now because we brought our cases to the TRNUC.
However, the suffering goes on for all..
For some victims it is too late. They have died with no answers forthcoming.
So I ask: Where are the lists and names of the perpetrators? Why is the President keeping the lists from us? Is he protecting someone?
Of the few perpetrators who came to the TRNUC, only five or six of them publicly said sorry for what they had done. And that was it.
I note that many other known perpetrators are out and about in town, mixing freely with the public. It has become a sick joke and we, the victims, are suffering.
The fact is I believe the TRNUC has become such a shambles that no one wants to deal with it.
The LDS have the power they want and are cynically running the country without a care in the world. They have no sense of responsibility or duty.
The LDS government is trying to wash its hands when it comes to paying the victims – though I see that they managed to find the money to pay all the Commissioners.
Yet who set up this scenario in the first place? It was Ramkalawan and former President Danny Faure.
Timing is all, of course, and there are elections next year.
We’ve got to watch it, or LDS might use the victims again to get another term in office.
The more you think about the issue the more it makes you sick.
How on Earth are we ever going to achieve unity in Seychelles when this situation persists?