Global broadcast: Regis Francourt
27th March 2024
By Lewis BetsyIt was good to have a meeting of the TRNUC Victims’ Association broadcast globally online and hear what was said. Indeed, I hope President Ramkalawan took note.Association official... more...
Musical welcome: A Maore cultural group
25th March 2024
Former Seychelles tourism minister Alain St.Ange has been promoting the merits of the Vanilla Islands.Now an independent tourism consultant, he was speaking in Mayotte, which he visited during a lectu... more...
Much missed: Elvis Dias in younger days
14th March 2024
By Lewis BetsyThis is such a sad time as I have lost another dear friend, Elvis Dias.He died four days after his 66th birthday and with family and friends, I attended his funeral at Our Lady of the Vi... more...
By Lewis Betsy  The scandal of what is happening with the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission is an outrageous insult to the people of Seychelles. In his State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Ramkalawan referred to the TRNUC, but he never offered anything serious or concrete concerning what would happen to the victims. I had previously warned that the Commission looked doomed to fail.  Yet it must not fail. The Government must not let the victims down. The truth is that the TRNUC has become a joke for the LDS Government. They are playing politics with it and applying a delaying tactics strategy with the victims.  The time has come to say enough is enough. My case number is No 2 and I am sure by now the Government must have had an idea where mine and all the many other cases were heading. It is not that difficult. We simply want justice and compensation for all the hurt we have suffered since 1977.  Naturally, we need answers to achieve closure.  In the meantime, we are forced to wait and trauma continues to impact families. Those that decided to stay in Seychelles have also suffered, but it was their choice not to bring their cases to the TRNUC.  It appears there is a blame culture going on: We are not children of Seychelles now because we brought our cases to the TRNUC. However, the suffering goes on for all.. For some victims it is too late. They have died with no answers forthcoming. So I ask: Where are the lists and names of the perpetrators? Why is the President keeping the lists from us? Is he protecting someone? Of the few perpetrators who came to the TRNUC, only five or six of them publicly said sorry for what they had done. And that was it. I note that many other known perpetrators are out and about in town, mixing freely with the public. It has become a sick joke and we, the victims, are suffering. The fact is I believe the TRNUC has become such a shambles that no one wants to deal with it. The LDS have the power they want and are cynically running the country without a care in the world. They have no sense of responsibility or duty. The LDS government is trying to wash its hands when it comes to paying the victims – though I see that they managed to find the money to pay all the Commissioners.  Yet who set up this scenario in the first place? It was Ramkalawan and former President Danny Faure. Timing is all, of course, and there are elections next year. We’ve got to watch it, or LDS might use the victims again to get another term in office. The more you think about the issue the more it makes you sick. How on Earth are we ever going to achieve unity in Seychelles when this situation persists?
11th March 2024
By Lewis BetsyThe scandal of what is happening with the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission is an outrageous insult to the people of Seychelles.In his State of the Nation Address (SONA... more...
Hope: Lewis Betsy meets President Danny Faure at State House on 16th March 2017 to discuss unity.
11th March 2024
By Lewis BetsyI write this with a great sense of loss and despair. For decades now I have campaigned for my beloved Seychelles to achieve unity.It is now March 2024 and there is nothing like it in sig... more...
1st March 2024
By Lewis BetsyWe heard optimistic words about the future of Seychelles from President Wavel Ramkalawan in his State of the Nation Address for 2024, but will these hopes be fulfilled?He talked about th... more...
Expert: Alain St.Ange addresses the audience at the African-Asian Union ceremony
29th February 2024
Seychelles tourism expert Alain St.Ange was part of the awards panel that declared Sharm El-Sheikh the Tourism Capital City 2024.The former Tourism Minister for Seychelles who now heads his own touris... more...
Devoted mother: Helen Azolan
31st January 2024
By Lewis BetsyIt was with great sadness that my wife and I said a final farewell to our dear friend Helen Azolan.Helen, a much-loved mother of four, died aged 64, and Seychellois families and friends ... more...

We are in a trance. Now we must become more pro-active to achieve real change in Seychelles at this confusing time

14th October 2021

Call for action: We must face reality, says Barry Gendron, right, with Lewis Betsy
Call for action: We must face reality, says Barry Gendron, right, with Lewis Betsy

Comment by Barry Gendron
Comment by Barry Gendron

 Paradise may be a pre-conceived idea and a portrayal that all is well in the so-called Garden of Eden. In fact, some say, the garden is in full bloom, roses are in abundance. Others question this and angrily argue that the thorns are equally in abundance! 

Ardent fans of  “Le Changement”, advocate that time, while not eternal, must nevertheless be given its allocated period in order to achieve its forecasted historical moment; “the time is not now, but will be then”. 

Let us bear in mind that, “Rome was not built in a day”, so we are told. Some will reply, “No comment”. Others will murmur, “No comment, because I wasn’t there.” The remainder in a more reflective mood, will passionately say, “ Yes, that makes sense, give them more time.”

Is it pertinent to ask, how long?

The general public and mass appear to be getting on with life as best as one can, without being or actively and embroiled in the viral, hard-to-forget or mention Covid-19.

The question is, has the pandemic, combined with the wind of change, clouded the reality of our present day situation. Hence portraying a false and fake illusion of our daily lives and existence?

Perhaps there are those who want and accept this golden opportunity of and existing in an imposed trance. Where reality is not truly a reality, but an illusion of our fragmented minds. 

There is nothing quite like a good fiction, they say. The book which places you away from the humdrum madness of life. You are transported to another world, where no one else interrupts, or in fact realises that you exist. Classified as “my self and my book” syndrome!

Perhaps, Shakespeare was more to the point, and in keeping with reality, “All the world’s a stage”… and we are all playing our immutable style and parts. 

I say immutable for there are those who cannot, and will not contemplate change, let alone play their part, or someone else’s suggested nominated part.

Once upon a time, life’s expectations were extremely high. Elaborately portrayed as a new beginning, a new dawn, the wind of change. Where are the expectations today? Are they in place and progressing? Are they materialising and taking concrete shapes in our lives, for the present and future?

Has life offered an alternative? The well-tried and tested commodity of reacting and adapting, if only for the sake of survival. Those who bravely utter the catchphrase of “no pain, no gain”, are openly advocating a period of tightening belts; they offer it all as a sacrifice of endurance, with the hope that round the corner, all re.wards are being amassed for later consumption and for the benefit for all. We have been told to amass our treasure and place it where it does not rust, for where your treasure is, so will your heart be. 

Let us not forget that spirituality has a vital role to play in the cacophony of human life. Fear not for hope has been forecasted, “as being eternal”.

The desperadoes are already forging or forsaking ahead in the tunnel of darkness and despair.

The warriors of society are fully adorned for a continued battle till the last man stands, or until that final victory is attained. Their ideology and focus is not based upon the frailties of the participating actors, or their political agendas 

It is, invariably, filled with wanton promises, of a rosier future for all in our paradoxical paradise. No, their will of steel, will not be subdued, for their cause is selfless. They seek justice not solely for self, but for the benefit of all who have suffered blatant injustices. Injustices that cannot be erased solely by words, but more by decisive actions, that offer remorse, compassion and a genuine solution to their problems.

All in all, can we decipher a planned and conclusive pattern to the Seychelles Status Symbol?

While we take note of the pandemic dilemma and its knock-on effect on our people and society in general, is it acceptable to continue to live and exist in a pandemic paranoia, where life stands still, and our individual lives no longer belong to us, but shared and partly owned by the system and institution of the State?

It may be that the State would welcome this dilemma and our collective response, with open arms, but is our freedom and rights ready and prepared to accept this self abandonment to them. 

The erosion of freedom and rights invariably take place in a manner portrayed, masked and disguised as “for the benefit and good of all”. 

We, in turn, feel self-conscious and isolated from the mass, by allowing ourselves to be duped by our own selfish will and self interests. After all, who wants to stand out in the limelight?

I get a sense and feeling of acceptance, or even desperation, floating on the horizon of life, in this confused world that has gripped our little archipelago. 

Come what may, what will be will be. After all there is nothing I can possibly do about it all. These are catchphrases of life that offer the perfect hiding place for those who are caught up in the dilemma of life.

Unfortunately, life offers very few hiding places. The truth and reality of life will always have to be faced, if there is a sincere desire to resolve the problems, we face and encounter in this much acclaimed journey and process of democracy.

Politics and politicians armed with their mandate, and their best intentions, cannot and will not be able to, resolve the collective problems of our society.

The individual and collective efforts of our people, are not to be assumed as the role of bystanders. They should accept and cherish a role of pro-active participants in the construction of our nation.

The people of Seychelles will need to come to their own conclusion and deci.sion as to how effective they wish to participate in the pursuit and construction of their nation.

Failure to do so, may well allow false and fake news and situations to become a reality of our way of life.

The prayer Jesus uttered in his final hour strikes the heart and mind,

“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

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Global broadcast: Regis Francourt
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Much missed: Elvis Dias in younger days
By Lewis BetsyThis is such a sad time as I have lost another dear friend, Elvis Dias.He died four… more...
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By Lewis Betsy  The scandal of what is happening with the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission is an outrageous insult to the people of Seychelles. In his State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Ramkalawan referred to the TRNUC, but he never offered anything serious or concrete concerning what would happen to the victims. I had previously warned that the Commission looked doomed to fail.  Yet it must not fail. The Government must not let the victims down. The truth is that the TRNUC has become a joke for the LDS Government. They are playing politics with it and applying a delaying tactics strategy with the victims.  The time has come to say enough is enough. My case number is No 2 and I am sure by now the Government must have had an idea where mine and all the many other cases were heading. It is not that difficult. We simply want justice and compensation for all the hurt we have suffered since 1977.  Naturally, we need answers to achieve closure.  In the meantime, we are forced to wait and trauma continues to impact families. Those that decided to stay in Seychelles have also suffered, but it was their choice not to bring their cases to the TRNUC.  It appears there is a blame culture going on: We are not children of Seychelles now because we brought our cases to the TRNUC. However, the suffering goes on for all.. For some victims it is too late. They have died with no answers forthcoming. So I ask: Where are the lists and names of the perpetrators? Why is the President keeping the lists from us? Is he protecting someone? Of the few perpetrators who came to the TRNUC, only five or six of them publicly said sorry for what they had done. And that was it. I note that many other known perpetrators are out and about in town, mixing freely with the public. It has become a sick joke and we, the victims, are suffering. The fact is I believe the TRNUC has become such a shambles that no one wants to deal with it. The LDS have the power they want and are cynically running the country without a care in the world. They have no sense of responsibility or duty. The LDS government is trying to wash its hands when it comes to paying the victims – though I see that they managed to find the money to pay all the Commissioners.  Yet who set up this scenario in the first place? It was Ramkalawan and former President Danny Faure. Timing is all, of course, and there are elections next year. We’ve got to watch it, or LDS might use the victims again to get another term in office. The more you think about the issue the more it makes you sick. How on Earth are we ever going to achieve unity in Seychelles when this situation persists?
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A sad farewell to our dear friend Helen Azolan
31st January 2024
Devoted mother: Helen Azolan
By Lewis BetsyIt was with great sadness that my wife and I said a final farewell to our dear friend… more...
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